

There are 2 types of dungeons in Aqua Farm.

  • Normal Dungeon

  • Special Dungeon

Both are shown on the mini-map, where players can move where they want to go by clicking. Each dungeon consists of several stages. Special dungeons are more difficult but have greater rewards than normal dungeons.

Dungeon Key Players need a dungeon key to enter special dungeons. The dungeon keys are divided into 4 grades, and the dungeon difficulty varies based on its grade. The dungeon keys can be obtained randomly through battle rewards.

Treasure Map

Special monsters are hiding in the ocean or nearby treasure island to steal PODO away from Aqua World. The treasure map is an item that shows the location of the special monsters.

Players can randomly obtain the treasure maps through PvE battling.

Players can use the treasure map to engage in battle/non-battle activities. Items that can be found from Treasure Chest found only on the treasure island are as follows.

  • Materials of Oasis' objects

  • In-game Items

Please note that the treasure maps cannot be traded between players.

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